hahahah... i had to use bubble gum flavored toothpaste this morning and wanted to barf, just awful. my girlfriend got it for me as a joke a while back and i ran out of colgate so...
anyway, this is a great pic. I like the topic, obviously, and the loose style used.
terry, bubble gum flavored toothpaste is disgusting!!XC== but yr girlfriend is funny! haha~ XD i perfer minty-flavored colgate...hahah
carla, haha, it is not tuna-flavored toothpaste, it is minty~ so my cat freaked out~~haha ! but i like "tuna-flavored toothpaste", sounds nice for cats~
al, u finally leave me a comment! what a touching comment!!
Mustashrik, thx~~i love yr drawing and charachter style too~~:D
kb, HUH???really??!! yr kitty didn't afraid the smell of minty??? i want to get friend with it! my cat's face is almost the same with it , hahha , funny~
hahahhah wow!!!!! that is a cute illo!!!! ever have to brush your cats teeth?! yes they make cat toothpaste but its as bad as brushing a teething toddler! both bite hard and try to run!!!! this illustration is a hoot!!!